Home Journal Week 5 Journal – Confirmation

Week 5 Journal – Confirmation

by Cassandra

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First I have to share a very funny story!

I would say that Ryan and I got a pretty cool confirmation this week that we chose a good name for our blog. We were eating lunch with my parents one day and suddenly I gasped very loudly because I saw this:

Do you see it? Right there is the name of our blog! I got really excited because “Uncommonly Well” is not a common phrase you hear anywhere, yet there it was. Ryan was mad at me for gasping because I scared him making him think something was seriously wrong, but once he got over that I think he thought it was pretty cool too.


Anyways, I spent the first day or two finishing my edits of posts I had already written. Being done with that feels great, but I know we’ll have much more work to be done on every post once we’re ready to launch.

One day we got 5 new Pinterest followers overnight! I was hoping that would be our new normal but the rest of the week we only got 3 or 4 and a couple of people unfollowed me, too, which was not encouraging.

I reached out to a few group Pinterest boards to see if my 50 followers is enough to get me on any yet, but I didn’t get any replies. (Being on group boards is an awesome way to see growth since your pins will reach a much larger audience.) Ryan wants to use his sales skills to help me craft my messages to group board leaders next time and hope for better responses. I’m wondering though if it’s still too early on and I should wait until I have more followers.


I also spent time looking at a lot of blogs, trying to find designs we like for inspiration. We are working on choosing the layout for ours. The designer we contacted did get back to us and said she’d make a logo. However, as we looked at other blogs we realized we may not really need a logo. We are going for a simple and minimalistic design, so a plainly typed title might be just fine. We’re going to see how much of our design we can do ourselves before we try and hire anyone.

I only wrote four new posts this week. But, that put us over our goal of having at least 40 before we launch! I put in about 30 hours total. It’s kind of crazy where the hours can go even when I’m not writing a lot.

Ryan hopes to pick our blog’s layout next week and start on the design. I hope to get back to writing and see some more growth on Pinterest somehow! Progress.

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