This lavender pillow spray DIY is extremely easy to put together with just three ingredients. Made with lavender essential oil, it is an incredibly effective and all-natural way to improve sleep!
I’ve been having a harder time falling asleep lately because it’s like my mind just won’t stop spinning! On the nights where I can tell it’s going to be hard for me to sleep, I use lavender essential oil as a completely natural way to calm my mind and help my body relax. I use lavender essential oil both in my diffuser, and with this lavender pillow spray DIY which smells amazing and can put me right to sleep!
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Diffusing Lavender Essential Oil
Using lavender essential oil in an essential oils diffuser is always a great way to help you get better sleep, and I do it often. I like the white noise humming of the diffuser, the way that diffusing moistens the air, and of course, the soothing smell of lavender. If you’re looking for an essential oils diffuser, I highly recommend this essential oils diffuser from Amazon! It holds 500ml of water, which is more than a lot of diffusers. With that big of capacity it can continue running through the whole night. A lot of diffusers with a smaller capacity will only last for a few hours.
Lavender Pillow Spray DIY
Spraying your pillow doesn’t sound like an effective way to get to sleep faster, but trust me, it really helps!
There have been nights where I laid in bed trying to fall asleep for a long time and couldn’t. Finally, I sprayed my pillow with this lavender pillow spray DIY and was asleep in minutes!
I also love to bring this lavender pillow spray with me when I travel. It can be so difficult to sleep well in new places. This lavender pillow spray not only helps me relax and get to sleep, but also brings a comforting familiar smell to any foreign place.
You only need three ingredients to make this lavender pillow spray DIY: lavender essential oil, witch hazel, and distilled water. You will also need a spray bottle, and a funnel. My recipe makes the right amount of spray to fill a 4 ounce bottle.
I recommend this amber glass spray bottle, because it is a perfect size, and the darkened glass protects the essential oils from sunlight exposure.
In case you’re not familiar with witch hazel, don’t be put off by the name. Witch hazel is an astringent made from a shrub called witch-hazel. It’s used in many health care products. You can find witch hazel on Amazon or in the pharmacy section of many stores. I would recommend checking the ingredients, because some witch hazel products have artificial fragrances added to them, which actually contain toxins. This witch hazel from Amazon is a 100% natural option.
What essential oils brand do I recommend?
Personally, I have been using Rocky Mountain Oils for about a year now, and I’m in love with their products! Their oils are of the highest quality, providing MS/GC test results for all oils, which confirms their purity. They also carry many organic oils. And, they provide a lot of information about each and every oil they sell including the botanical name, country of origin, extraction method, and more.
Another big plus is that shipping is free on all items. And, they offer free returns for any reason on any items (even if opened) up to 90 days after they were purchased!
Here are the full instructions for my Lavender Pillow Spray DIY!

Made with lavender essential oil, this lavender pillow spray is an incredibly effective and all-natural way to improve sleep!
- 2 tbsp witch hazel
- 4 tbsp distilled water
- 6 drops lavender essential oil
Place the funnel in the top of the 4 oz spray bottle and pour in the witch hazel and distilled water.
Remove the funnel and drop 6 drops of lavender essential oil into the bottle.
Put the top on the bottle and shake the bottle to mix the contents.
Spray lavender pillow spray on your pillow when going to bed for an easier time falling asleep, and better sleep!