Home Journal Week 15 Journal – Uploading to WordPress

Week 15 Journal – Uploading to WordPress

by Cassandra

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15 weeks?! That sounds like a lot! Gosh, 15 weeks spent on this thing and it’s not even launched yet, let alone making money! This is going to be so worth it! (Gotta stay positive! 😉

BUT we are getting so close to being ready to launch!


We’re only up 14 new followers this week, bringing us to 278 total. My numbers in analytics have been pretty low. I spent a lot of my daily pin “quota” this week trying to build up three new boards: a Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes board, an All Things Fall board, and a Christmastime board. In my experience, new boards just perform poorly, no matter what. So that’s why I’m trying to build them up quickly even though my numbers are suffering in the meantime. We’ll see if my strategy ends up working out!

It also seems like pinning the same pin to lots of different boards at once (group boards and my own) doesn’t go over very well. It seems pins do better if I only pin them to one or two boards at a time. We’ll have to also wait and see if that theory is true!


Not a lot of movement on the Instagram front. Actually, we’ve lost a few followers, probably because a lot of people follow accounts hoping for follow-backs, then unfollow later. We’re not really worried about it right now, because we’ve got other priorities! But we are going to have to develop some vision for it soon for sure.

Designing Pins

I finished designing pins for all of the posts we are going to launch with! That was a big accomplishment. I also wrote two pin descriptions for each post – probably my least favorite blog task I’ve undertaken so far! Trying to jam in keywords without sounding super fake and silly is a challenge.

Uploading Posts to WordPress

Although I’d originally hoped Ryan would do all the uploading, he taught me how to upload posts to WordPress this week. It’s challenging! There are so many steps, including putting pin descriptions in the alt text, adding tags, adding links (and checking them to make sure they all still work), etc. But I am getting the hang of it! Hopefully we can finish uploading all of them next week.

Next Week

Next week Ryan is leaving me in Ohio as he goes on a work trip to San Diego (insert weeping face here). Thankfully, I’ve got lots of exciting blog stuff to work on so I am really hoping the week doesn’t drag by! Ryan and I did long distance for two years of our relationship and now I can’t stand to be apart for one day… I really don’t know how we did it but I pray we never have to again!

We’re on track to launch by the end of this month (in 8 days)! Exciting times!

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